**David Icke traduit en anglais les conneries de Patrick Devedjian...
Devedjian explique « son » Bilderberg - Devedjian explains « his » Bilderberg. Patrick Devedjian : les injures, la loi, et le Bilderberg... Clip begins with Devedjian asked about his thoughts on freedom of expression:
D: Firstly, is it that people have the right to protect their honour and their dignity, conforming to the law 1881, a law more than one hundred years old, on internet and further (beyond) yes of course, we don’t have the right to tell lies about people. Naturally, it’s the law.
Z: Just, I ask the question again, I said (to myself) so we are going to do a number on (a topic on) the freedom of expression and right here (we have) there is a site, « myspace « which is a site that is important, where there is a large grouping of people and where there is a song that is anti-Sarko.
D: (Butts in) No but you can’t « diffamer » people, you can’t slander people (people such as Sarkozy.)
Z: Alors (meaning oh, it’s not that serious, you’re overreacting.)
D: No you have the right to make a song anti- Sarko but you don’t have the right to curse « people » to use swear words against people and insult them.
Z: Ah but it’s just a song. (this anti-sarkozy song and site was being supressed at the time hence the subject http://www.myspace.com/torapamavoa)
D: Even with a song you don’t have the right to insult people by swearing.
Z: Ok let me rephrase the question.
D: I could insult you singing and would you be happy? That would be funny, eh.
Z: Now that would be interesting to listen to! (jokingly)
D: Unfortunately i sing falsely otherwise i would've done it straight away…(trying to distract Zero here).
Z: Question « conspirationist » conspiracy question.D: Ah! « Conspirationist! » Well that’s part of..
Z: Le Trilateral…(Trilateral Commission)D: Yes the Trilateral…
Z: Le Bilderberg…D: Yes le Bilderberg…(laughing) I don’t know if 10 percent of people know about it but I will tell you what it is.
Z: Ah well on internet everyone knows what it is.D: Yes, well that is part of the fantasies of the extreme left…
Z: And even « Skull and Bones » for you, do you know what that is?D: Eh what? That I don’t know about.
Z: Skull and Bones, you don’t know? You pretend not to know.D: No but, it's never too late to learn new things, I’d be happy to learn about it after...
Z: Go ahead (in explaining the reason for Bilderberg).D: They (Bilderberg) are conferences, international, in which we talk, about the big problems in the world, volià, there you go. It’s true that I participated…
Z: Between people of what « kind of company » ?D: Between people, who eventually (in the end) have something to say on the subjects treated. So I went, to Canada, at (that's true)…What did we talk about, we talked about the War in Iraq, with the people, who come from all over the world….(200 « people » made up of the world elite, Royals, monarchy, politicians, world bankers the lot) about what are the solutions…What other subjects, we talked about the problems of the « proche orient » the Middle East countries… We talked about the conflicts « dans les banlieues » (which means the conflicts in rough housing suburbs in France, as if this local subject applies to the Bilderberg meeting!).We talked about a certain number of problems « monnaietaire » currency/financial problems…we talked about the entry of Turkey into the European Union…There you go, they are conferences, the debates, that are organised with people who are selected, pardon for the pretention, at least on some of the subjects treated, not on all, but that they are people who are meant to have certain special knowledge and experience…so it’s this the the big « complot » international plot, who come together in those places, those conferences.
Z: And that is democratic for you you think, to do that? D: Why?
Z: For these people to manage or control or who are in positions of great control in different domaines such as politics, finance, banking to come together like that and lead and direct…D: They don’t lead or direct nothing at all, they don’t direct anything at all.
Z: Don’t listen to the feelings of the people like us, the ordinary people, the « pleb » people…we’re not included.D: No now wait! You are in the middle of making a big debate on the freedom of expression and you are looking to prevent « these people » from coming together in privacy to talk about the problems of the world? We are in a crazy house here aren‘t we!« « « bastard, turning his own subject around against Zero himself and in Devedjian‘s favour! » » »
Z: It (freedom of expression) depends, it depends on what people, and why they unite/ come together.D: They come together to talk. To listen to the contradictory views, contradictory, on the problems of the world.
Z: Bizarrely « as it is about world problems affecting us » though it’s not filmed, it’s not talked about in the media…D: No, It’s because…
Z: Why is it so secret?D: No, it’s not secret, they want for there to be a true freedom of expression, and that people therefore, even if they hold positions of responsibility very important, that they want to be able to say/discuss freely what they think…
Z: But between them.D: No, able to freely say what they think without giving a rise for exploitation, a « characature » of the person, « public perception of the leader if he or she were to say certain things » that stops them from speaking freely (truthfully more like). In Bilderberg they tell the truth, they lie the rest of the time.
Z: And that serves for what, behind this « work » it gives what « to be able to speak in total privacy »?D: Nothing.
Z: You talk and it serves for what, are there decisions that are taken?D: No, none. None «acune » .
Z: We mustn’t see the trace of the hidden hand, it‘s there to be seen. D: It’s for everyone to form their opinion, voilà, that’s it. That’s absolutely it.
Z: It’s a club of friends simply.D: They are the people, who talk and who exchange their experience, that’s all, I mean you can’t make that forbidden can you, in your ideal society?
Z: My society of « spectacle » (show) is that what you want to say? D: Ah it’s that, your ideal society?
Z: Yes.D: It’s only the « spectacle », it’s only the show for you?
Z: It's the one we live in (the society spectacle).D: Well, fortunately there are other things as well, not just the « spectacle », but it’s important the « spectacle » …
Z: Don’t crush the spectacle. You live by it. You live by it. D: Oh no I don’t knock it, I like the spectacle, I go to the shows, I love the opera so…for the show there isn’t better. (dumbing the question down).
Z: You’re the one who makes the show also. And that’s it.D: Well, modestly. But I think…
Z: …With real talent certainly (you make the show). D: But I think there is time for the spectacle, and there’s time for reflecting…There’s time for everything… Z: With your friends in Bilderberg. And the Trilateral as well, is that the same? D: Well it’s exactly the same thing.
Z: Ah it’s the same! Well tell me you’re part of many clubs then?D: Well (stuttering!!!!!!) it’s not that I participated, that I’m not a member of enough clubs, I was invited and I went with pleasure and I learned a lot. « End of clip »
pour nos lecteurs anglophones , un petit rappel, en anglais s'il vous plait.* a little reminder, in English please :
MYSPACE Killed me !
Here are the adventures of "Nicolas Torapamavoa"…
Step 1: 11/01 - Creation and online myspace page Torapamavoa (ID Myspace was: 138088431)… 5000 hits and 500 friends later…
Step 2: 27/01 - Myspace erases the Torapamavoa one wonders why and how ... ** Ladle: Usually seen "this profile no longer exists" when you have a friend who disappears but there… Nothing. Everything has been removed… up to leave a hole in the top friends of friends… + If you plan to your friends, you will see that the former is always recorded torapamavoa…
Step 3: 29/01 On the evening - On re opens an account but… our email is no longer possible to open an account myspace… you open another account and then mail myspace; resurfaced on the page… Chance this time address remains the same! (but the ID Myspace change: 153439308) is indeed a new profile .. with the same url. Message to Myspace automatic response…… It has lost all your nice comments, all our friends…
** Ladle: why ban this email?
Step 4: 30/01: over 500 visits in less than 24 hours… we reported a bug… the song is not downloadable from Myspace… It gives the piece a second time… not more results… whore on the poisse not? we put in place http://djamalinvivo.free.fr/torapamavoa.html page: song clip more… more weapons of mass destruction… **
Ladle: impossible to download from this profile?
Proof read well ... different "id" for torapamavoa are shown in the links .... Given the lack of response from myspace, and manifest hard against this song, one can legitimately make assumptions …
1.it's this mfckin' tom without express dropped his coffee on his keyboard the cup fell on the "delete the profile of the guys there"
2.On also think that some small young ump (ump is the name of Sarkozy 's troops) might have to give the word 'report a content inaproprié'
3. "A coup of French secret services ? "
iT could be read on the site of Karl Zero….
4. Hackers ? See the blog http://myspace.com/torapamavoa
You will also see a series of photos recounting the adventure Torapamavoa: the song that "fuck Nicolas" and who looks not arrange YOUR troops lol -- http://youtube.com/djamal93 http://dailymotion.com/torapamavoa See also the comments here more or less nice lol
Last minute: Our ip is banned myspace impossible to connect Djamal In vivo or torapamavoa It is skewed by using a proxy or a cyber cafe .. you play mnt .. here starts at ca be complicated ... on ne peut plus post bulletin, make comments and so on ... Round 2 :
Myspace respond to us finally , we send this mail :
Notre reponse :"Hello..we open an account in december...with the email djamal2012@gmail.comthe 11 january we upload a brand new song in it..in 12 days / more than 4500 visitors...The 27 january during we were not on myspace..MYSPACE deleted our account.The Myspace id was 138088431. web adress was http://myspace.com/torapamavoa.The 29 january we re open an account with another email because djamal2012@gmail.com was "banned" to create an account.We take the same adress htt://myspace.com/torapamavoa but you give us a new id (that witness that you delete our account..) our new id is : 153439308We hope to know why this account was deleted by your service.that's only the third time we explain that probleme to you.Thank you."
Round 3 :
March 24, 2007 Myspace censure 2eme !! Myspace censorship 2nd! Aveux / preuves..? Confessions / evidence ..? .fullpost{display:none;} "Torapamavoa Nicolas" revient du Royaume de Morts ! "Torapamavoa Nicolas" is the Kingdom of the Dead! Comuniqué du 24 mars 2007 Communiqué of 24 March 2007 Bonjour à tous, Hello everyone, Mercredi 21 septembre au soir nous (l'ami Kassandre et moi meme ainsi que nombre d'utilisateurs de myspace) constatons avec stupeur ,effarement, rage, surprise et je vous fait grace de tous les sentiments éprouvés à ce moment de : Wednesday, September 21 evening we (the friend Kassandre and myself and many users myspace) note with dismay, alarm, anger, surprise and I am done with all the feelings at that time: LA SECONDE SUPRESSION de notre profil sur myspace PAR Myspace ! THE SECOND SUPPRESSION our profile on myspace BY Myspace! Nous reviendrons sur l'historique plus bas. We will return to the historical lowest. A l'instant meme de ce constat, je lance d'un sombre café internet d'un quartier lillois dont nous terrons le nom une contre offensive.. At the very moment of this, I launch a dark Internet cafe in a district lillois we terrons name an offensive against .. Prevenant tous les contacts par liste de diffusion en envoyant un bulletin via yspace relayé instantanement ou quasiment par quelques utilisateurs que nous remercions ENCORE de leur vigilance et deleur soutien. Prevenant all contacts with mailing list by sending a newsletter via yspace relayed almost instantly or by some users that we appreciate their vigilance STILL deleur and support. Voici le bulletin : Here's the bulletin: ... Y'en a marre ! There's tired! Y'en a marre ! There's tired! Y'en a marre ! There's tired! Le compte Torapamavoa n'existe plus.... The Torapamavoa no longer exists .... on ignore pourquoi .. we do not know why .. pas de mails de myspace dans notre boite.. no mail in our myspace box .. Usé de me battre contre des moulins a vent myspacien... Worn me fight against wind mills myspacien ... VEUILLEZ TRANSFERER CE BULLETIN A TOUT VOS FRIENDS !! PLEASE TRANSFER THIS NEWSLETTER TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Afin de prevenir tout le monde de ces abus... To prevent everyone to these abuses ... Veuillez si vous nous soutenez laisser un message ou un commentaire sur la page Please support us if you leave a message or comment on the page
HTTP://myspace.com/sijetaispresident HTTP: / / myspace.com / sijetaispresident Plus nous ralerons/// The more we ralerons / / / plus nous serons nombreux... we will be many more ... Mieux ce sera.. Better it will be .. nous avions deja perdu bcp de temps a communiquer sur la premier disparition de la page Torapamavoa.. we had already lost a lot of time communicating on the first page of the disappearance Torapamavoa .. Puisque le but du jeu etait de nuir à l'ump.... Since the goal of the game was on nuir the ump .... Vraiment triste.. Really sad .. vraiment depité.. depité really .. vraiment vener... vener really ... Ca va chier !! It's gonna shit! ENSEMBLE : TOGETHER: NON TORAPAMAVOA NICOLAS !! NON TORAPAMAVOA NICOLAS! Faites tourner ce bulletin plusieurs fois par jour si necessaire... Turn this newsletter several times a day if necessary ... MARRE MARRE MARRE !!! MARRE MARRE MARRE! DJAMAL " DJAMAL " La pression fut assez forte amis pour que le directeur General de myspace france daigne m'appeler sur mon portable. The pressure was strong enough friends that the Director General myspace france deign call me on my mobile. Il fut tres correct et dementi tout net toute forme de censure justifant celà a coups de : He was very correct and denied any net any form of censorship justifant this has shots: "nous respectons la pluralité et la diversité, nous avons un profil Segolene Royale qui marche tres fort alors que Sarkozy n'en a pas etc ..etc..qu'il ne cesse d'essayer de contacter LA (ndlr Los Angeles) pour avoir des explications que il ya le jet lag (ndlr : lol jet lag du 26 janvier au 22 mars) qu'ils ne comprennent pas toujours tres bien ce qu'il se passe en France au sujet des profils etc etc." "We respect the plurality and diversity, we have a profile Segolene Royal is working very hard while Sarkozy did not etc. .. etc. .. it never ceases to try to contact LA (ie Los Angeles) an explanation that there is the jet lag (ie: lol jet lag from 26 January to 22 March) that they do not understand very well what is happening in France about the profiles etc etc. " A ceci j'ai répondu en somme que : To this I responded to that sum: "nous voulions des explications, que nous allions appeler à boycotter myspace pour leur agissements, que cela ne pouvait venir que de chez eux , que c'etait la seconde fois , que nous voulions le retour de notre profil, que nous perdons du temps à lutter contre Myspace alors que notre objectif etait d'avoir un morceau sur myspace simplement...que quelqu'un voulait apparemment empecher ce morceau de grandir...ou voir juste de ralentir sa progression... "We wanted to explain that we were going to call a boycott myspace for their actions, that it could only come from home that it was the second time that we wanted the return of our profile, that we lose time fight against Myspace while our goal was to have a piece on myspace ... just that someone apparently wanted to prevent this piece grow ... or see just slow its progression ... Et oui le facteur temps est quelque chose de crucial en periode electorale .. And so the time factor is something crucial election period .. Quelques infos : Some info: -31 % des Francais ne veulent pas se faire sonder..->les sondages c'est du vent... -31% Of French do not want to be sounding ..-> polls is wind ... -La plupart des gens ne se decident qu edans les dernieres semaines.. - Most people did decide that edans the last few weeks .. -Le ridicule TUE les candidats en temps de presidentielles. - The ridiculous TEU candidates during presidential elections. -Les elections se jouent parfois à quelques dizaines de milliers de voix... - The elections will sometimes play a few tens of thousands of votes ... -40% des francais ne sont pas "surs" de leur vote.. -40% Of the French are not "safe" their vote .. Les chiffres sont a prendre avec des pincettes mais les arguments sont de bon sens. The figures take with tweezers, but the arguments are sensible. Je me suis rappelé hier que dans ma premiere conversation telephonique avec Edouard de Myspace Maketing qu'il m'avait assuré que les profils Torapamavoa et Djamal etaient protégés dorenavant d'une suppression 'hative' ... I am reminded yesterday that in my first telephone conversation with Edouard Myspace Maketing he assured me that the profiles Torapamavoa and Djamal were protected now by a deletion 'hasty' ... J'ai de ceci une preuve Audio. I have this evidence Audio. Nota Maxi Bene : Maxi Nota Bene: Apres l'interview d'un specialiste en securité Internet voici le resultat : After the interview a specialist in Internet security here is the result: E. De Myspace m'a dit qu peut etre notre profil avait été supprimé à la suite d'un ytop grand nombre de cliks declarant le contenu de Torapamavoa comme illicite et ne rpeondant pas aux CGU de Myspace,qu'il ne voyait que cela comme explications et qu'il relayait l'infos aux Sates pour avoir des explications... From Myspace told me that may be our profile had been deleted as a result of ytop many cliks declaring the contents of Torapamavoa as illegal and does not rpeondant the CGU Myspace, which he did it as explanations and he relayed the information to the Sates for an explanation ... Le specialiste de repondre : The specialist answered: qd tu declare un profil illicite sur myspace tu laisses un mail disant, et il faut pour cela etre membre de myspace et donc laisser son identité, pourquoi le profil est illicite .. qd you declare illegal a profile on myspace you leave a message saying, and it requires to be a member of myspace and thus leave his identity, why the profile is illegal .. Quelqu'un aurait donc estimé" par Deux fois que notre profil etait illicte ? Someone would have felt "Twice that our profile illicte? Apres avoir ete prevenu par des mensonges? After being advised by lies? NON. NO. On dit ca vient des USa on dit ca vient de France. They say it's coming from the USa they say it's coming from France. Hier Marc Mayor directeur general de myspace france me laisse un message pendant que je bosse ...
Yesterday Mayor Marc director general myspace france leaves me a message while I'm working ... en gros : "Me rappeler j'ai des élements de reponses et un debut de solution aux problemes que vous avez rencontré.." Wholesale: "I remind me of elements of reponses debut and a solution to the problems that you encountered .." Je n'ai recu aucun mail.. I have not received any mail .. par contre certains de ceux qui avaient ralé sur myspace ont recu ceci : by against some of those who had ralé on myspace have received this: Bonsoir, Good evening, Le profil myspace.com/torapamavoa a été rétabli. The profile myspace.com / torapamavoa was restored. Avec plus de 160 millions de profils dans le monde et des procédures automatiques indispensables, des erreurs sont possibles.
With more than 160 million profiles in the world and automatic procedures necessary, errors are possible. La suppression de ce profil, en particulier, est une erreur que nous reconnaissons. The removal of this profile, in particular, is a mistake that we recognize. En cas de problèmes, de questions, vous pouvez dès maintenant adresser un email sur le profil de MySpace France que nous avons créé récemment (dans le top amis de MySpace Président). In case of problems, questions, you can now send an email profile on MySpace France that we created recently (in the top friends on MySpace President). Soyons clairs AUCUNE CENSURE sur MySpace. Let us be clear NO CENSORSHIP on MySpace. Bon week-end, Good weekend Edouard qui la recu ce message. who received the message. Lol ..NOUS L AVIONS PREDIT § Lol .. It was written ;) ?
je vous renvoi sur le http://torapamavoa.blogspot.com lire l'itw du specialiste securité internet et aussi : I will return on http://torapamavoa.blogspot.com read itw of Internet security specialist and also: L'histoire de Raph : The history of Raph: qui apres avoir ridiculisé en chanson un senateur proche de murdoch propritaire de myspace who after having ridiculed in song a senator close to murdoch landlord myspace avait vu son profil supprimé lui aussi par erreur ...LA MEME HISTOIRE... saw its profile also deleted by mistake ... THE SAME STORY ... Une erreur que nous reconaissons peut t on lire sur ce message.. An error that we can t reconaissons reads this message ..
Et bien ! Well! du bout des levres ! the tip of the lips! et on peut s'estimer verni d'etre une erreur parmi 160 millions de profils..puisque 2 fois on tire le gros lot ! and can be painted himself to be an error among 160 million profiles .. 2 times as we get the jackpot!
L'unique ! The only! Dans l'instant je me decide : jouer à l'euromillions..c'est sur on a la baraka..ou la Shcoumoune... In the moment I decide: to play euromillions .. it is we have the luck or Shcoumoune .. ...
Je n'ai pas encore rapplé Mr Mayor ...d'abord parceque j'ai bien failli perdre un ami ce meme vendredi, que je considere comme mon frere cela m'a fait quitter le boulot et mettre ces conneries de censure au second plan...puis parceque je voulais vous expliquer tout cela...en temps et en heure..et que je sui spersudé qu'ils vont nous endormir... I have not yet call back Mr Mayor ... first of all because I almost lost a friend that same Friday, I felt like my brother that made me leave the job and put these shit censorship in the second plan ... then because I wanted to explain things ... on time .. and I sui spersudé they will we sleep ... La page myspace a été retablie..
The myspace page was restored .. MAIS OU ETAIT T ELLE ? BUT WHERE iT? de mardi soir à samedi ? on Tuesday evening to Saturday? qui l'a mise à gauche ? which has left up to? pourquoi ? why? et plus loin qui veut la peau
Torpamavoa ? and beyond who wants Torpamavoa skin? j'ajoute ceci à titre purement personnel et subjectif .. I add this as a purely personal and subjective .. j'ai subi en l'espace de 5 jours plus de controles d'identité qu'en 5 ans... I suffered in the space of 5 days more identity checks than 5 years ...
Vous aussi ? You too? ou ce n'est que moi ? or is that me? ca se durcit dans le secteur... ca hardens in the sector ... Lundi nou sen saurons peut etr eplus..peute tr epas. Monday nou sen know can etr eplus .. peute tr epas. En tout cas contrairement à ce mail je dis : In any case, contrary to what I say mail:
La preuve du sabotage et de l'acharnent sur notre profil par Myspace n'est plus a faire ! Proof of sabotage and the acharnent on our Myspace profile is more to do! Vous appelez ca comme vous voulez :
You call it anything you like: un baillon..une censure..du sabotage...des emmerdes pour rien..une attaque des militants de Sarko ... a gag censorship .. .. sabotage ... emmerdes for nothing .. an attack by militants Sarko ... Comme vous voulez.. As you want .. Le blog officiel de Torapamavoa est http://torapamavoa.blogspot.com/ The official blog Torapamavoa http://torapamavoa.blogspot.com/ La page officielle où vous pouvez telecharger le morceau le clip la sonnerie de telephone. The official page where you can download the song clip rings telephone.
TORAPAMAVOA est bien plus qu'un morceau du groupe In Vivo.. TORAPAMAVOA is much more than a piece of In Vivo group .. C'est une arme. It is a weapon. Que nous allons utiliser à plein. Whether we'll use to the fullest. Nous allons bientot vous donner de croustillantes nouvelles sur la contre offensive. We will soon give you new crispy on the offensive against. Merci de votre soutien.
Thank you for your support. A tous merci sans vous rien de tout cela n'est possible.. A thank you all without you none of this is possible .. Pour tout vos messages de soutiens vos initiatives (recemment affiches torapamavoa nicolas realisé par afin de recouvrir les affiches ump sur la region parisienne..)
For all your messages of support your initiatives (recently posters directed by Nicolas torapamavoa to cover posters ump on the Parisian region ..)
Le Collectif Torapamavoa est né. The Collective Torapamavoa was born. Et vous allez en entendre parler. And you are going to hear about it. Nous allons recevoir 5000 stickers, des t shirts realisés grace à des dons sont en cours de realisation.
We will receive 5000 stickers, t shirts realized thanks to donations are being realized. Merci pour l'aide logistique de Kassandre,Temto et de quelques autres qui sont d'un grand soutien en ce moment. Thank you for helping logistics Kassandre, Temto and a few others who are very supportive at the moment. A toute à l'heure. Any per hour. Djamal
After discuss with MARC MAYOR the president of Myspace France
Torapamavoa on Myspace
Torapamavoa Dailymotion
Torapamavoa on YouTube Fournisseur officiel de contenus Anti Sarkozy Un rap drolatique devient collectif de Resistance à Sarkozy.
Official supplier of content Anti Sarkozy drolatique becomes a rap collective Resistance to Sarkozy.
Les 1ers messages retracent nos aventures sur la toile,depuis le 11/01/07 + de 3 millions de visites !
The 1st messages retrace our adventures on the canvas, since 11/01/07 + 3 million visits!
Patience pendant le chargement de la page c'est bourré d'electronique ^^ ..
Patience while loading the page is packed with electronics ^ ^
.. Comment devenir Torapamavoayen(ne)s ?
How to become Torapamavoayen (ne) s?
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